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Manifesting anything you want – especially your wildest dreams – is no easy feat but completely doable. It might feel silly to drink the law of attraction kool aid, but if it’s worked for so many others (i.e. Jim Carey, Will Smith, Denzel Washington), you should believe it can work for you too. While I confess I was apprehensive at first, I’ve come full circle to support the idea. Here’s why and how you can manifest anything you want.

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1. Learn to quiet the mind

The mind is a tricky thing, often overloading us with unnecessary emotions, false memories and more. Don’t believe me? It’s time to read, You Are Not So Smart, or do a quick YouTube search of The Mandela Effect. These are all the reasons why you need to learn to detach from your mind. Failing to do so will result in attracting the things you don’t want and staying stuck in a cycle you loathe.

2. Focus more on what you want vs what you don’t

As a high achiever, I have to admit that it’s sometimes much easier to get bogged down by the things that don’t happen versus the amazing things that do happen. The problem with this is that the law of attraction makes you a magnet for whatever you’re focused on – good or bad. In the realm of success, roadblocks will undoubtedly arise. But, keeping your eye on the prize and maintaining an optimistic mindset no matter the circumstances is what will help you realize your goals even faster.

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3. Start a gratitude journal

I’ve said this before and I will say it again, journaling can work wonders for your mood – and your goals too. If you’re not much of a writer, start by jotting all the things that you’re grateful for everyday. An essential ingredient in making the law of attraction work for you is acknowledging the amazing things you already have going on. Plus, it helps you send out more positive energy into the world – and in turn, receive them.

4. Write down your goals regularly

The law of attraction cannot work if you’re not clear on what you want. I’m a huge fan of writing down your goals and dreams, even if they feel far out of reach because it helps you attract the right people, resources, and circumstances. I recommend doing this at least once a quarter so that they stay crystal clear and fresh in your mind.

5. Visualize daily with feeling

What you look at and feel every day has a deep impact on your subconscious. I feel that one of the biggest missing pieces from most people’s visualization practices is the power of feeling – feeling like you’re already there and existing in that moment. This was a huge lesson I picked up from the book Psycho-Cybernetics (which I highly recommend you read!). By focusing on the positive sensations of your dreams, you give power to them.

Pro Tip: Add strong emotions to your thoughts by reflecting on a past success and reliving that moment. Were you excited, overwhelmed with positivity, crying happy tears? Feel all those things again!

6. Don’t forget to talk about them too

Talking about your goals and your dreams is a controversial topic, but I think it’s beneficial! Many people, especially in fashion, will refrain from doing so in fear that someone else

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may steal their ideas. But, the universe has a way of working when you declare what you want – not just in your thoughts but vocally too! You never know who someone can connect you to – and it’s always great to get feedback from others.

What practices do you use to manifest the things you want?

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